Confirm additional capacity needed; Evaluated options including expansions; Developed a flexible and phased approach to capacity increases.
These studies are also cited in the 2019 presentation File: 07.31.19HEX Reopening Hearing>Final Presentation (pdf version)
12/2010 LCU Integrated Water Resources Master PlanIdentifies 2.38 MGD capacity deficit for Three Oaks WWTP in 2030.
07/30/2015 Three Oaks WWTP Service Area, Options for Future Wastewater Flow Reallocation
Evaluates existing plants, future capacity deficiency and recommends a new plant
10/20/2016 Corkscrew Overlay Area Wastewater Master Planning Report
Evaluation of location at Corkscrew WTP and location east of Alico Rd. on Corkscrew Rd.
05/12/2017 Addendum to Corkscrew Overlay Area Wastewater Master Planning Report
Evaluates a third location, our proposed site
09/24/2018 Due Diligence Siting Analysis for the Future SEWWTP Corkscrew Overlay
Siting Analysis between Corkscrew WTP Location and our proposed site
Additional beneficial reports but discussion needed:
File: BOCC History> BOCC Actions – regarding land swap between LCU and Conservation 20/20
File: BOCC History> CPA2018-0007_Staff Report – regarding land swap between LCU Conservation 20/20
- Land was deemed “disturbed” and not fit for conservation
- Land was used for scrap storage after hurricane